lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

What the BLEEP do we Know [2004]

Wiki (es)
El documental busca explicar la realidad combinando creencias místicas y postulados científicos obtenidos de la física, particularmente del principio de incertidumbre de la mecánica cuántica, como también nociones generales de psicología, psiquiatría y química.
Las ideas del documental son acompañadas por la historia ficticia de Amanda (Marlee Matlin), una fotógrafa sorda que modifica a lo largo de la historia su predisposición psicológica frente al medio que la rodea.
La historia ficticia sugiere en su desarrollo que la actividad de la conciencia puede incidir en la realidad física. (en)
Filmed in Portland, Oregon, What the Bleep Do We Know presents a viewpoint of the physical universe and human life within it, with connections to neuroscience and quantum physics. Some ideas discussed in the film are:
- The universe is best seen as constructed from thought (or ideas) rather than from substance.
- "Empty space" is not empty.
- Matter is not solid. Electrons pop in and out of existence and it is unknown where they disappear to.
- Beliefs about who one is and what is real are a direct result of oneself and of one's own realities.
- Peptides manufactured in the brain can cause a bodily reaction to emotion.
In the narrative segments of the movie, Marlee Matlin portrays Amanda, a deaf photographer who plays the role of everywoman as she experiences her life from startlingly new and different perspectives.
In the documentary segments of the film, interviewees discuss the roots and meaning of Amanda's experiences. The comments focus primarily on a single theme: We create our own reality. The director, William Arntz, has described What the Bleep as a movie for the "metaphysical left".

  • Audio: Ingles
  • Subtitulos: Español
  • Duracion: 02:34:20s
  • Peso: 956Mb

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jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

Le Jeu de la Mort [2009]

Wikipedia (es)
El juego de la muerte es un documental coproducido en 2009 por la radio televisión suiza y France télévision. El documental describe un experimento realizado en Francia en 2009 para estudiar la autoridad de la televisión y su influencia sobre la obediencia. El experimento es una nueva versión del experimento de Milgram adaptado a las condiciones actuales y su objetivo es medir de manera significativa la interacción entre la autoridad de la televisión y los valores éticos de los sujetos. Se buscaba concretamente evaluar la capacidad de desobediencia del sujeto a órdenes dadas con la autoridad de la televisión cuando estas le hacían infligir daño a otra persona.

Wikipedia (en)
Le Jeu de la Mort (The Game of Death) is a French television documentary that was broadcast by the French public television channel France 2. The documentary was presented as a social commentary on the effects of humiliation in reality television and obeying orders, and its broadcast was followed by a studio discussion on the programme.
The documentary focused on a conduction of the Milgram experiment, but with the additional factor of the popularity and influence of reality television on the general public. The experiment was performed under the guise of a television game show known as La Zone Xtrême. Volunteers were given €40 to take part as contestants in a "pilot" for the fictitious show, where they had to administer increasingly stronger electric shocks to trained actors posing as players as punishment for incorrect answers, as encouraged to do so by the host and audience. Only 16 of 80 "contestants" (teachers) chose to end the game before delivering the highest voltage punishment.

  • Audio: Español
  • Subtitulos: -
  • Duracion: 01:33:17s
  • Peso: 506Mb

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lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Homo Toxicus [2008] (es)
Todos los días, toneladas de productos químicos se liberan al medio ambiente, tóxicos a largo plazo para los seres vivos. La mayoría de las 100.000 moléculas desarrolladas desde la II Guerra Mundial y que están presentes en los productos que usamos a diario nunca se han testado. Algunas de ellas se han introducido en nuestros cuerpos e incluso en los fetos. Hasta 247 sustancias tóxicas se han encontrado en los recién nacidos. Junto a nuestro ADN, estamos legando nuestra carga tóxica a nuestros hijos. (en)
Everyday, tons of chemicals are released into the environment, without ever knowing how toxic they are in the long term to the living organisms. Moreover: the majority of the 100 000 molecules developed since the World War II which are used in daily products have never been tested… Some of them found their way into our bodies and into fetuses. Up to 247 toxic substances have been found in new-borns. We are today bequeathing our toxic load to our children along with our DNA!

  • Audio: Español
  • Subtitulos: -
  • Duracion: 01:27:44s
  • Peso: 949Mb

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miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil [2006] (es)
Cuando la Unión Soviética colapsó en 1990, la economía cubana se derrumbó. Las importaciones de crudo se vieron reducidas por debajo de la mitad – las de alimentación por un 80%-, la gente estaba desesperada.
Este documental empieza con una breve historia del pico del petróleo (peak oil), el momento en que la producción mundial de petróleo llegará a su máximo y comenzará su descenso. Cuba, el único país que se ha enfrentado a este tipo de crisis – reducción masiva de los combustibles fósiles- es un ejemplo de opciones y esperanza.
Este documental cuenta las dificultades y luchas así como la comunidad y creatividad del pueblo cubano durante esta época difícil. Vemos cómo los cubanos hicieron la transición entre un sistema agrícola altamente mecanizado e industrializado hacia un sistema basado en métodos de cultura orgánica y permacultura, jardines locales y urbanos. Es una mirada original a la cultura cubana durante esta crisis económica que llaman “el periodo especial”.

Wikipedia (en)
The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil is an American documentary film that explores the Special Period in Peacetime and its aftermath; the economic collapse and eventual recovery of Cuba following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Following the dramatic steps taken by both the Cuban government and citizens, its major themes include urban agriculture, energy dependence, and sustainability. The film was directed by Faith Morgan, and was released in 2006 by The Community Solution.
The film is a reflection of the peak oil scenario argued by oil industry experts and political activists, including Matthew Simmons and James Howard Kunstler. The Cuban economy, heavily dependent on economic aid from the Soviet Union, suffered tremendously following the end of the Cold War. The nation lost half of its oil imports, and 85 percent of its international trade economy. Cuba began a slow recovery focused not on finding new energy sources, but on rejecting consumption in favor of sustainable growth. Director Faith Morgan, together with the non-profit group The Community Solution, seeks to educate audiences about peak oil and the impact it will have on transportation, agriculture, medicine, and other industries.

  • Audio: Ingles
  • Subtitulos: Castellano
  • Duracion: 00:52:46s
  • Peso: 723Mb

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