Wikipedia (es)
Food, Inc. es un documental estadounidense de 2008 dirigido por el cineasta ganador de un Emmy Robert Kenner. El filme está ligeramente basado en el bestseller de no ficción del 2001 Fast Food Nation, de Eric Schlosser, y The Omnivore's Dilemma de Michael Pollan.
El primer segmento del filme examina la producción industrial de carne, a la cual llama inhumana y económica y ambientalmente insostenible. El segundo segmento se centra en la producción industrial de grano y verduras, a la cual también califica de económica y ambientalmente insostenible. El tercer y último segmento trata sobre el poder económico y legal de las grandes compañías de producción de alimentos (que, según los autores, se basa en ofrecer comida barata pero contaminada con químicos a base de petróleo, sobre todo pesticidas y fertilizantes) y la promoción de hábitos de consumo de comida insalubre hacia el público estadounidense.
Wikipedia (en)
Food, Inc. is a 2008 American documentary film directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Robert Kenner. The film examines corporate farming in the United States, concluding that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and its employees. The film is narrated by Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser. The documentary was criticized by large American corporations engaged in industrial food production.
he film's first segment examines the industrial production of meat (chicken, beef, and pork), calling it inhumane and economically and environmentally unsustainable. The second segment looks at the industrial production of grains and vegetables (primarily corn and soy beans), again labeling this economically and environmentally unsustainable. The film's third and final segment is about the economic and legal power of the major food companies, such as food libel laws, whose livelihoods are based on supplying cheap but contaminated food, the heavy use of petroleum-based chemicals (largely pesticides and fertilizers), and the promotion of unhealthy food consumption habits by the American public.
- Audio: Ingles
- Subtitulos: Castellano
- Duracion: 01:33:44s
- Peso: 700Mb
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